Over time skills, kills

What am i doing right now? I should be working but here i am typing this. Nothing to do with my time, oh well i did this to, i had already something to do with my time. Did i do something productive today? oh well, i just uhmmm did a, a…. LABELS 🙂 atleast i… Continue reading Over time skills, kills

Go Away

Originally posted on Verse and Fables:
We fell in love, each day I looked at you I created a new world full of fantasy, in my mind. you gave me the one thing I never had. Hope. Each day I would pray to the almighty, I believed in him because one of the stories said…

What I saw when I am stress…

Deadlines…. Bills.. Misunderstandings… Fvked up work mate… and all the things that make my face go ugly, grumpy… ohmy stress, why you do this to me??????? Everyday stress are just always around the corner. We can’t get far of it. *sigh* *another sigh* Huhuhu, and stress making me ugly, making me awful, getting the time… Continue reading What I saw when I am stress…